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Частi запитання
(Частi запитання та вiдповiдi)
What led to your interest in Chernobyl?
Of all Chernobyl-related subjects, why did you decide to write about natural history?
How is it possible that Chernobyl helped nature? Wasn’t it the worst environmental disaster ever?
What are the radiation levels in the zone?
What are normal background radiation levels?
Why do Americans use different radiation units than the rest of the world?
Isn’t that confusing?
With such high radiation in some places, the zone must be crawling with mutants, no?
Why not? Since the Bomb first dropped, sundry mutants have starred in nearly every sci-fi movie about radiation.
How much time have you spent in the zone?
What was your total radiation dose?
Is that dangerous?
What does flying have to do with radiation?
What kind of protective gear did you wear?
Did you ever see that woman, Elena, that rides around the zone on her motorcycle? Her website "Ghost Town" at www.kiddofspeed.com was a big thing a few years ago.
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