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FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)
- How is it possible that Chernobyl helped nature? Wasn’t it the worst environmental disaster ever?
The Oxford dictionary defines disaster as “a sudden or great misfortune, calamity, complete failure” and Chernobyl was certainly all of those things. The explosion and fire at the No. 4 reactor contaminated the soil, water and atmosphere with the radiation equivalent of 20 Hiroshima bombs – and that is a conservative estimate. Hundreds of thousands of people had to be permanently evacuated and human activities were banned on millions of acres of land. But I’m not so sure if it’s correct to call it an environmental disaster because the very absence of people and their disruptions have left the natural environment in peace, allowing it to thrive. Human activities are far more damaging to nature than radiation – at least the type and amounts of radiation released by Chernobyl. Perhaps WE are the real environmental disaster.
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